International business careers present students with an exciting opportunity to travel and work with high-end organizations from different parts of the world. They also get a chance to be at the center of significant decisions that shape organizations. With the...
During the spring of 2020, oil prices were actually negative for a couple of days. Things have since stabilized in the oil industry, but the collapse of oil barrel prices on a global level has unfortunately scared many investors away from putting their money into the...
A major Canadian oil-and-gas exploration company has announced that it will expand its interest in the hemp-based biomass and extraction sector. Officials with HTC Extraction Systems of Regina, Saskatchewan, said they have acquired KF Hemp, a Regina-based firm...
Energy demand decreased in Italy, Spain and Colombia during the first weeks of quarantine for COVID-19 In Italy and Spain the demand for electrical energy fell 17.2% and 12%, respectively The spread of the COVID-19 virus, which was declared a pandemic...
As many economists have put it, “oil is the lifeblood of the modern economy.” Gas is used in nearly every economic activity, from manufacturing to transportation to use in the home for generating heat. Although activists have pressed for the re-orientation...
Manuel Chinchilla: Exportación de combustibles y energías de Argentina cayó 15,9% en el primer trimestre de 2020 Entre enero y marzo también se observó una disminución de 15,4% en la importación de combustibles y lubricantes Durante el primer trimestre de...